Carpet printing

Prints on carpets and PVC flooring. Printed carpets for interiors, contract, floor advertising / POS, trade fairs, events, red carpet and film premieres

Fabric printing

Printed textiles - fabric banners - covers - tablecloths - fabric masks - ready-made products - awnings - fabric displays - LED piping systems

Advertising technology

Direct plate printing and CNC milling technology, assembly, lettering, stickers, foiling, floor stickers, exhibition stands...

Unique LED illuminated frame - POPART Rainer Hoffelner

Make your loved ones happy at Christmas 🎁🎄 and give the gift of light and color: pop art by Rainer Hoffelder

XXL LED illuminated frame + special edition print:

Unique print with fluorescent colors on backlit LUX, double ink application to create a rich black.

Order in your desired format by December 10: 

100 x 100 cm

NEON special print

€890 590
  • backlit LUX
  • double paint application
  • incl. LED illuminated frame

DinA1 (59 x 84 cm)

NEON special print

€440 290
  • backlit LUX
  • double paint application
  • incl. LED illuminated frame

DinA3 (29 x 42cm)

NEON special print

€360 149
  • backlit LUX
  • double paint application
  • incl. LED illuminated frame

Information about the LED illuminated frame:

The surface illumination is provided by led strips recessed into the sides. The led strips are recessed into the sides of the acrylic frame. This is a type of edge light illumination. The light from the LED Stripes is distributed evenly via a diffusion foil and refracted at the outer edges of the LED frame via a phase. The edges of the LED frame also light up 100% evenly. This is where good LED frames differ from bad ones.

Order or contact us, we will be happy to advise you!

Signs and sign systems

Car lettering and vehicle wrapping

Textile printing and large format printing

Vehicle lettering and vehicle advertising

Stand construction and display systems

Current projects


Bühne frei für unsere bedruckten ✨Teppiche + Backdrops✨- kostenloser Andruck!

Bühne frei für unsere bedruckten ✨Teppiche + Backdrops✨- kostenloser Andruck! Sie kennen uns vielleicht schon durch unsere hochwertigen Tischdecken, Fußmatten ...

Einblick hinter die Kulissen unsere Produktionsanlage

Einblick hinter die Kulissen unsere Produktionsanlage Wir wurden soooo oft gefragt, wie unsere Teppiche eigentlich bedruckt werden. Jetzt endlich ein ...


Neu: unser WALL OF FAME PACKAGE – Teppich und Wand in Einem! Ihre Gala, Charity Event, Modenschau, Ihr Presseball, Ihr ...

PhotoFabrics Things to know Do we also print on supplied plates / print media?

Drucken wir auch auf gelieferte Platten / Druckmedien? Mit der swissQprint Nyala LED bedrucken wir Rolle/Rolle sowie Platten bis 150X320 ...
Why white print

PhotoFabrics Things to know Why white print?

Wozu Weißdruck? Im Normalfall werden weiße Druckmedien bedruckt. Was aber, wenn die Oberfläche so wie Ihre Yogamatte schwarz ist? Zum ...

Photofabrics impresses with Red Carpet at the TEXOVERSUM inauguration ceremony

Photofabrics beeindruckt mit Red Carpet auf der Einweihungsfeier TEXOVERSUM Das Ludwigsburger Unternehmen PhotoFabrics GmbH ist neues Mitglied bei Südwesttextil und ...

World stars stroll over floors from Ludwigsburg

Die Firma Photofabrics bedruckt Teppiche, Textilien und Vinyl im XXL-Format. Die Auftraggeber sind illuster: Mercedes, Volkswagen, AMG, Dior oder Louis ...

Assembly ... floor + wall, DONE!

Improve the spatial well-being of your guests with spacing and separate individual areas during the coronavirus pandemic.